Carys Everett is a New Zealand's first Chartered Humanitarian Engineer and is the former Executive Director of EWBNZ. Upon completion of her Master of Engineering at the University of Bristol, UK, she worked on water and waste engineering projects around the world. You will find Carys at her happiest when talking about toilets or the challenges of community water systems in diverse places and cultures. Carys could not imagine a better job than working with EWBNZ. She says that the energy, enthusiasm and dedication of our members to achieve our vision is contagious and inspirational. She is proud to be leading an organisation that puts people and communities at the centre of engineering development and advocates for humanitarian engineering to be integrated fully into all engineering and technical projects.

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Carys Brenin

Carys Brenin's activity stream

  • donated 2020-01-06 11:28:34 +1300

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