Code of Conduct

If you would like to make a complaint you can do so using the Contact Us form on this website, or if it suits you best, you can just leave us a message saying that you would like to make a complaint and your phone number and we will ring you back. We will then make sure it is seen to by the appropriate person, which will usually be the Chief Executive, but in any cases where the Chief Executive is the object of the complaint it will be the Board Chair.

If you feel you would like a friend or advocate to support you with your complaint, or would like them to act on your behalf please feel free to do so. We want you to know that your complaint will be treated with respect, and that it is always our intention to resolve a complaint to the satisfaction of all everyone involved.

When you make a complaint we will work with you to make sure we have a clear statement of the grounds for the complaint (and where appropriate any supporting documentation or evidence where appropriate), your desired outcome as well as the basics like your name, contact details and the date. If you would like any of that information to be confidential we can arrange for you to remain anonymous - all you need to do is let us know.

If you have made a complaint, and are dissatisfied with the outcome please do tell us. If we are unable to resolve it between us we are able to refer you to the CID Code of Conduct committee ([email protected]) and will provide advice and assistance to do this if required.


EWBNZ is committed to the highest standards of legal, ethical and moral behaviour. EWBNZ recognises that people who have a working relationship with our organisation are often the first to realise there may be concerns. As such, if you have any reason to suspect serious misconduct please contact the Chief Executive ([email protected]) or Board Chair ([email protected]), to make a complaint in accordance with the EWBNZ whistleblowing policy (which any of our friendly EWBNZ staff or volunteers will be able to help you with).

EWBNZ is committed to the principles of safety outlined in the policy and can assure you that we will not tolerate retaliation, harassment, or victimization against any person for reporting concerns or complaints in good faith.

Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse or Harassment

Fundamental to the operation of EWBNZ is respect for the dignity and basic human rights of people within New Zealand and throughout the world. Every person who represents EWBNZ is expected to reflect these values in their professional conduct, regardless of who they are dealing with, or where they are working. Sexual exploitation, abuse or harassment is a violation of basic human rights. EWBNZ aims to provide a safe and trusted environment that safeguards everyone from sexual exploitation, abuse or harassment: to actively prevent and respond to it, and to maintain an organisational culture that prioritises safeguarding.

Further detail on our commitment to preventing sexual exploitation, abuse or harassment can be found in our policy.

If you believe any EWBNZ staff or volunteers have failed to uphold this commitment, please immediately report this to our Chief Executive at [email protected] so that we may follow up.

Child Protection
EWBNZ acknowledges that some children are more vulnerable to abuse and exploitation than others. This includes children living in poverty, children with disabilities, children from minority groups and children living in emergency or conflict situations. EWBNZ is committed to taking all necessary steps to ensure that all children and young people with whom we work are provided with a child safe environment at all times. This means EWBNZ will take proactive steps to create a child safe culture and child friendly programmes.

If you have any suspicion that a child’s safety is at risk please immediately report this to our Chief Executive at [email protected] so that we may follow up.

EWBNZ is committed to the continuous development of a safety culture. If you observe any opportunities for improvement relating to an accident, incident or near miss, an observation of concerning and/or unsafe behaviour exhibited by an EWBNZ employee/volunteer or other relevant stakeholder or any concern regarding health and safety (including threats, mental health, bullying and violence) then we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch with the Chief Executive at [email protected] so that we may follow up.

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