Celebrate our hardworking student volunteers! Find out what Student Volunteer Week is all about and what we're planning for the week.
Together with Volunteering NZ, we’re celebrating our amazing students who give, grow, connect, and support different groups in our communities. We will be celebrating our students’ collaborative efforts in making positive changes in our communities and connecting young people with volunteering opportunities. We’ll be showcasing our student volunteers with a Student Volunteer Week feature to highlight the student experience with EWB.
Student history at EWB
Students have always been an integral part of EWB - afterall, we started as two independent groups of passionate students! A little over 10 years ago, two groups from the University of Auckland, and the University of Canterbury started doing work around Humanitarian Engineering. Once they realised that their values and visions aligned, they banded together, expanded their horizon, and became Engineers Without Borders New Zealand. To this day, students continue to be fundamental to the organisation! We have students volunteering all over New Zealand including Auckland, Christchurch, and the Waikato.
What now?
Stay tuned this week as we cover different students everyday to talk about their experience with EWB as they share highlights, stories, and lessons. Catch us on our different platforms linked below!
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