Maori and Pasifika in Engineering Review
Earlier this week David Rei Miller discussed his insights into Maori and Pasifika in the engineering sector with Alyce Lysaght in the Maori in Engineering podcast series.
A copy of the report Dave put together can be found here.
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Provincial Water Sector Adviser
We are looking for engineers who is passionate about safe water outcomes and is willing and able to travel to remote locations. This assignment is a result of a partnership between Engineers without Borders New Zealand (EWBNZ) and VSA.
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Provincial Water Sector Adviser (Shefa)
We are looking for an engineer who is passionate about safe water outcomes and is willing and able to travel to remote locations. This assignment is a result of a partnership between Engineers without Borders New Zealand (EWBNZ) and VSA.
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Open letter – seeking urgent humanitarian assistance for world’s most vulnerable people
An open letter to the New Zealand Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister of Finance, from fourteen leading New Zealand international aid agencies.
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Student Volunteer Week 2020: Your Turn
It's the end of Student Volunteer Week! Let's look at the lessons we've learnt and how you can start your student volunteering journey!
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Student Volunteer Week: Gina Yukich
It's almost the end of Student Volunteer Week but we're still going strong! We have a special feature on an ex-Student volunteer: Gina has graduated and she shares how important volunteering has been for her career
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Student Volunteer Week: Bryan Busby
It's Day 3 of Student Volunteer Week! Today we're hearing from Bryan AKA Busby about how his unique 4 years of EWB shaped his university journey
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